Went to bq yesterday, reached home at 6am and head down to see Mcvin's brother off at 12pm. Was at the catholic church, tears filled everyone's eye during the speech bout Mcron. He met up the accident during his duty, therefore it's consider mishap on duty, navy personnel was in-charged of carrying the casket. Singapore flag was placed about the casket, with his navy cap. Upon carrying the casket to van, someone shouted as though he can't bear to leave Mcron. I heard it was Mcvin, his very own blood brother. Went off to CCK in Raymond's car to Chua Chu Kang for the burial of Mcron. It happen to rain heavily, and we almost met up with a accident on the way there. Raymond's car ski 360degress at the express way because we hit a pool of water. My very first reaction was to look back at the windscreen, luckily there was no vehicle closed to us or we won't be able to send Mcron the last time and got our ass to trouble. I guess Mcron's blessing us. Reached CCK, the whole company from Navy came down to see Mcron off for the last time. Everyone saluted him as they carried his casket to his grave. With the tense situation, and the melody from the navy's band, weepings could be heard. Everyone had a daisy flower on their hand, our very last gift to Mcron. The navy gave 3 bullets to the air signifying respect to Mcron, and i could feel the pain in Mcron's Dad while receiving his Navy Cap and Singapore Flag. Same goes to Mcvin, he wanted to carry his very own brother down to his grave. How do it feels to bury your very own brother? I guess the one whom hurt most is Mcvin. His dad thank everyone for coming, and gave us a very touching speech. "Mcron might have leave us now, but he is still living in everyone's heart. Mcron is teaching everyone a very good lesson which is to cherish your love ones, and let us feel the importance of family and friends. He is in heaven watching us being successful in life, he is better than before." We had a very last stick of cigarette with Mcron infront of his grave and promised to be back on his birthday or after the construction of the tomb. It did taught me a very good lesson, which is to cherish my love ones and live my life to the fullest. I do hope EVERY FRIEND OF MINE WHO RIDES A BIKE TO BE EXTRA CAUTIOUS or EVEN BEST stop RIDING because almost everyone of you CAN DRIVE. Last but not least, my deepest condolences to Mcvin and his family.
Rest in peace Mcron.